
23.10.2009, 23:46

Perjantai-iltana saa pitää taukoa vallankumouksesta (fordistinen vallankumouskäsitys)


Automatic Insurrectionist Manifesto Generator


Leaving banality behind: Notes on indifference


To those who deride the singular ecstasy in a smashed window or a barricaded hallway, we propose nothing less than to negate their pathetic humanism, at all costs. Every burning dumpster is a refusal to make demands, a blow against the being of anarcho-liberalism, a recognition of the radical teleology inherent in the articulation of encounters. The compulsive absence proposed to us is like a bad joke, and instead of laughter we respond with rupture. This is a call to crisis, not an insistence on representation.

Our need to occupy everything is less the construction of a project than the setting forth of a state of exception. Confronted with those who neglect to recognize themselves in our conspiracies of negation, we offer neither sympathy nor criticism but only our derision. We must reject all totality—without illusions. In the realization of zones of offensive capacity, we destroy those who would have us give up the immanent joy of social war for the catastrophe of mobilization.

It is necessary to commence for once and for all; not to dream of new ways to be productive, but to make manifest the subterranean becomings in the heart of each car set aflame. What’s needed is not fossilization of our desires, and even far less activism, but a putting-into-practice of inoperative zones of indistinction which need no justification, a rejection in all forms of the logic of normalization.


Näihin kuviin, näihin tunnelmiin:




 Beer to beer: vallankumous lähtee oluen jakamisesta


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  1. tähän pitänee kanssa heittää tuosta manifestogeneraattorin sivun alakulmasta löytyvä “why”-teksti. Että ideologinen keskustelu joskus nousisi kaljajuttu-suunsoitto-tason yläpuolelle.

    “The purpose of this little program is to expose the seductions of
    rhetoric, not to criticize actions taken. Despite my admiration for
    many of the actions taken in the name of insurrection, I’m suspicious
    of how easy it is to substitute style for substance in the communiques describing these actions. And this is not to say that all “insurrectionist” texts are meaningless, despite its difficulty, I found to be, with all its excesses, a serious
    (if contentious) contribution to revolutionary thought. And, to point
    out just one other exemplar, the recent
    is by and large an excellent
    piece of analysis. This program is intended only to demonstrate the
    pitfalls of language which sounds too good to be meaningful.”

    Comment by kissakala — 24.10.2009, 13:23 @ 13:23

  2. no nythän meni URLit ihan sekaisin ja sanojakin jäi pois. koitetaan uudestaan ilman html-taikatemppuja:

    “The purpose of this little program is to expose the seductions of
    rhetoric, not to criticize actions taken. Despite my admiration for
    many of the actions taken in the name of insurrection, I’m suspicious
    of how easy it is to substitute style for substance in the communiques
    describing these actions. And this is not to say that all
    “insurrectionist” texts are meaningless, despite its difficulty, I
    found the Coming Insurrection[1] to be, with all its excesses, a serious
    (if contentious) contribution to revolutionary thought. And, to point
    out just one other exemplar, the recent “Communique from an Absent
    Future: The Terminus of Student Life”[2] is by and large an excellent
    piece of analysis. This program is intended only to demonstrate the
    pitfalls of language which sounds too good to be meaningful.”



    Comment by kissakala — 24.10.2009, 13:27 @ 13:27

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